Point of Sale

Point of Sale


Sample Description
Sample Description
Sample Description


ITA Point of Sale is a web based point of sale system. The main features are:

  • Stock management (Items and Kits)
  • VAT, customer and multi tiers taxation
  • Sale register with transactions logging
  • Quotation and invoicing
  • Expenses logging
  • Receipt and invoice printing and/or emailing
  • Barcode generation and printing
  • Suppliers and Customers database
  • Multiuser with permission control
  • Reporting on sales, orders, expenses, inventory status
  • Receivings
  • Giftcard
  • Rewards
  • Restaurant tables
  • Messaging (SMS)
  • Multilanguage
  • Selectable Boostrap (Bootswatch) based UI theme
  • Mailchimp integration
  • reCAPTCHA to protect login page from brute force attacks
  • GDPR ready
  • Manage Customer/Vendor
  • Customer Group
  • Create Sales / Purchase
  • Return Sales and Purchase
  • Received Purchase Products
  • Product Bar-Code Generate
  • Manage Employee
  • Products and Services
  • Inventory Products
  • Non Inventory Products
  • Service Products
  • Tax Setting