ITA R.Center

Research Center In Peshawar Pakistan

ITA Research Center is a first physical presence in Peshawar. Although the ITA has active educational programs of Information Technology in Peshawar. Since the 2011. but now our team have decided to our some extra and more out of the box for the Pakistan in the field of research.

ITA Research Center

Our aim is to help students of research in research activities by providing them high quality materials . We also Provide high quality Research Scholars to make them unique in their research through out the world.

Development of Information Systems program is an adaptation of an. Existing educational program in information systems design and verification to modern requirements for graduate programs.

Established in 2018, it serves as an interdisciplinary hub for educational programs, for research in information science and technology. And for development and implementation of e-governmental and quality assurance information systems in education

The Research Center of Information Technology of ITA at Peshawar,Pakistan was founded in 2018, with the purpose to integrate the research and development activities in information technologies among various organizations in Pakistan.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to promote the innovation and application of information technologies, with emphases on exploring the enabling technology for essential infrastructure and also on integrating inter-disciplinary technologies so as to provide the key ingredients that are invaluable for the upcoming knowledge-based and service-based societies.