Hajj Umra MIS

Hajj Umra MIS


Sample Description
Sample Description
Sample Description
  • Gorgeous RespoHajj Umra MISnsive Frontend
  • Grid Package Display
  • Easy Social Envolvement
  • One-Click Contact Option
  • Day Wise Tour Description
  • Partner / Wings / Concern Logo Manage
  • Unlimited Travel Location Creation
  • Travel Package Creation & Management
  • Easy to Use Menu
  • Payment Method Manage
  • SEO Friendly URL
  • Tour Description Management
  • Package Includes Management
  • Package Excludes Management
  • Package Costing Management
  • Online Tour Order System
  • Easy to Social Link Share System
  • Online Order Management
  • Package Includes Management
  • Photo Album Management
  • Featured Tour Management
  • Promotional Tour Management
  • Unlimited Photo Upload
  • Rocking Admin Dashboard
  • Exportable Admin Panel
  • General Setting
  • Logo Setting
  • Footer Logo Setting
  • Home Slider Setting
  • Cat Slider Setting
  • Country Logo Setting
  • Social Links Manage
  • Footer Menu Manage